

Windows Mobile 游戏开发

Windows Mobile 游戏开发

大小:5.1 MB更新:2011/01/08



Windows移动设备游戏开发 - Windows Mobile Game Development,是由Apress推出的移动设备游戏开发书籍。该书基于C#和VB.NET两种开发语言,由浅入深的介绍Windows 移动设备游戏开发步骤。作为移动设备游戏开发人员,这本书是一本必备手册。

Contents at a Glance
■Contents at a Glance .iv􀀁
■Contents ........v􀀁
■About the Author ...... xv􀀁
■About the Technical Reviewer........... xvi􀀁
■Acknowledgments.. xvii􀀁
■Introduction .......... xviii
Part 1: Windows Mobile Development.....1
■Chapter 1: Windows Mobile and .NET ..3
■Chapter 2: Mastering the User Interface.........29
Part 2: Creating Games ............49
■Chapter 3: GDI Graphics ........51
■Chapter 4: Taming the Device with the Game Engine ..77
■Chapter 5: Timing to Perfection .......111
■Chapter 6: Exploring User Input .......129
■Chapter 7: Sounding Out with Game Audio ...157
■Chapter 8: Game in Focus: GemDrops...........179
■Chapter 9: Common Game Components........225
Part 3: OpenGL ES Graphics....243
■Chapter 10: A New Window on the World with OpenGL ES .....245
■Chapter 11: Creating 2D Games with OpenGL ............289
■Chapter 12: The Ins and Outs of the Third Dimension311
■Chapter 13: Further OpenGL Features and Techniques ...........353
Part 4: Distribution ....383
■Chapter 14: Distributing Your Game 385
■Index .........411􀀁
■Contents at a Glance .iv􀀁
■Contents ........v􀀁
■About the Author ...... xv􀀁
■About the Technical Reviewer........... xvi􀀁
■Acknowledgments.. xvii􀀁
■Introduction........... xviii
Part 1: Windows Mobile Development.....1􀀁
■Chapter 1: Windows Mobile and .NET ..3􀀁
Looking Closely at .NET for Windows Mobile. 4􀀁
Language Choices............4􀀁
The .NET Runtime Libraries............5􀀁
IDE Features........5􀀁
Preparing for Windows Mobile Development Challenges ........ 6􀀁
Numerous Windows Mobile Versions and Editions ..6􀀁
Hardware Considerations.8􀀁
Using Visual Studio for Windows Mobile Development.......... 10􀀁
Installing Visual Studio....10􀀁
Creating a Windows Mobile Project ..........11􀀁
Designing a Form ...........14􀀁
Running the Application.16􀀁
Working with the Emulators.........18􀀁
Targeting Different Platforms.......19􀀁
Running on a Real Device ............20􀀁
Getting Help ......24
Windows Mobile Game Development .......... 25􀀁
Suitable Games .25􀀁
Graphics APIs ....25􀀁
Technologies Used in This book...27􀀁
Welcome to the World of Windows Mobile Development ...... 27􀀁
■Chapter 2: Mastering the User Interface .........29􀀁
Developing for Touch Screen and Smart Phone Devices....... 29􀀁
The User Interface Controls ............ 31􀀁
Menu Bars.........36􀀁
Context Menus ..39􀀁
Timers ..40􀀁
File Dialog Controls .........42􀀁
Input Panels ......43􀀁
Capturing Camera Images............45􀀁
The “Busy” Cursor  46􀀁
On with the Game . 47􀀁
Part 2: Creating Games49􀀁
■Chapter 3: GDI Graphics ........51􀀁
All About GDI ......... 51􀀁
Let’s Paint  51􀀁
Invalidating a Form .........53􀀁
The Drawing Coordinate System..53􀀁
Colors ...53􀀁
Pens and Brushes ..........55􀀁
Drawing Lines ...56􀀁
Drawing Polygons ..........57􀀁
Drawing Rectangles.......59􀀁
Drawing Ellipses ............59􀀁
Working with Pixels ........60􀀁
Displaying Text..60􀀁
Clearing the Background63􀀁
Painting in Action ...........63􀀁
Bitmaps... 64􀀁
Creating Bitmaps Using Graphics Primitives..........64􀀁
Creating Bitmaps from Predrawn Graphics............65􀀁
Painting Bitmaps to the Screen ...69􀀁
Bitmaps in Action ...........72􀀁
Smooth Animation. 72􀀁
Getting the Most From GDI. 76􀀁
■Chapter 4: Taming the Device with the Game Engine ..77􀀁
Designing the Game Engine............ 77􀀁
Implementing the Engine ... 79􀀁
CGameObjectGDIBase .....87􀀁
CGameEngineGDIBase ....88􀀁
CGameFunctions ............90􀀁
Using the Game Engine...... 91􀀁
Creating the Bounce Example Game.........91􀀁
Optimizing Rendering......... 98􀀁
Adding, Updating, and Deleting Objects..102􀀁
Forcing a Repaint ..........102􀀁
Performance Impact.....103􀀁
Other Engine Features ..... 103􀀁
Interacting with the Device ........103􀀁
Checking Device Capabilities.....106􀀁
Future Enhancements ...109􀀁
Next Steps........... 109􀀁
■Chapter 5: Timing to Perfection .......111􀀁
Affirming the Need for Consistent Timing.. 111􀀁
Processor Speed ..........111􀀁
Graphics Performance ..112􀀁
Multitasking ....112􀀁
Processing and Graphical Complexity.....112􀀁
Development Mode vs. Released Code...112􀀁
Overcoming Performance Inconsistencies. 112􀀁
Fixed Interval Updates ..113􀀁
Dynamic Update Intervals ..........113􀀁
Interpolated Updates....115􀀁
Using an External Timer... 120􀀁
Environment.TickCount .120􀀁
The High-Performance Timer.....120􀀁
Timing in the Game Engine ........... 121􀀁
Initializing and Interrogating the Timer...121􀀁
Changes to the Interpolation-Based Functions ....124􀀁
Changes to the Noninterpolation Functions .........128􀀁
Using the Game Engine.128􀀁
Let’s Bounce Again .......... 128􀀁
■Chapter 6: Exploring User Input .......129􀀁
Touch Screen Input.......... 129􀀁
Touch Screen Events ....129􀀁
Selecting, Dragging, and Swiping...........132􀀁
Adding Context Menus ..144􀀁
Using Finger-Friendly Input........146􀀁
Using Multitouch Input? 147􀀁
Using Button and Keyboard Input . 147􀀁
Button and Keyboard Events......147􀀁
Reading the Keyboard State ......149􀀁
Input from the SIP .........150􀀁
Choosing the Keyboard Input Method .....150􀀁
Reading From an Accelerometer .. 151􀀁
Initializing the Accelerometer ....151􀀁
Reading Data from the Accelerometer....152􀀁
Detecting the Presence of a Supported Accelerometer ....154􀀁
Supporting Devices With No Accelerometer ........156􀀁
Considering Input Design. 156􀀁
■Chapter 7: Sounding Out with Game Audio ...157􀀁
Understanding Sound File Types .. 157􀀁
Exploring the Available Sound APIs ........... 158􀀁
Using the Sound APIs....... 160􀀁
PlaySound .......160􀀁
System.Media.SoundPlayer .......164􀀁
AygShell Sound Functions .........167􀀁
BASS.dll ..........169􀀁
Adding Support for Sounds to the Game Engine..... 176􀀁
Choosing a Sound API ...... 177􀀁
Make Some Noise ............ 177􀀁
■Chapter 8: Game in Focus: GemDrops ...........179􀀁
Designing the Game......... 179􀀁
Creating the GemDrops Design Brief ......179􀀁
Conceptualizing the Game Controls ........182􀀁
Choosing the Sound Effects .......183􀀁
Outlining the Minimum Requirements ....183􀀁
Writing the Game  184􀀁
Creating the Project ......184􀀁
Creating the Game Form ............185􀀁
Preparing the Game ......186􀀁
Creating the Gem Game Object..188􀀁
Resetting the Game......191􀀁
Pausing the Game .........194􀀁
Displaying the Player Gems .......194􀀁
Updating the Player’s Gems.......200􀀁
Adding Player Control...208􀀁
Removing Gems from the Board 215􀀁
Creating Score Objects .221􀀁
Finishing Up ........ 224􀀁
■Chapter 9: Common Game Components........225􀀁
Managing Game Settings. 225􀀁
Using the Settings Class ............226􀀁
Understanding How the CSettings Class Works...228􀀁
Replacing the MessageBox........... 230􀀁
Using the MessageBox Class .....230􀀁
Understanding How the CMessageBox Class Works ........231􀀁
Creating a High Score Table ......... 232􀀁
Using the High Score Class ........232􀀁
Understanding How the CHighScores Class Works...........235􀀁
Creating an About Box ..... 238􀀁
Using the About Box Class .........239􀀁
Understanding How the CAboutBox Class Works.241􀀁
Using Common Game Components............ 241􀀁
Part 3: OpenGL ES Graphics....243􀀁
■Chapter 10: A New Window on the World with OpenGL ES .....245􀀁
Preparing to Use OpenGL . 245􀀁
Hardware Support........245􀀁
Language Support........246􀀁
Understanding the OpenGL Features ......246􀀁
Rendering in 3D ...........247􀀁
Using OpenGL in Visual Studio.NET............ 248􀀁
Calling OpenGL from Managed Languages ..........248􀀁
Understanding OpenGL’s Rendering Approach ....249􀀁
Considering the Hardware Capabilities and Limitations ...249􀀁
Closing OpenGL Applications .....250􀀁
Creating an OpenGL Program........ 250􀀁
Configuring the Project .250􀀁
Creating the OpenGL Environment ..........252􀀁
Initializing OpenGL ........254􀀁
Rendering Graphics in OpenGL ..256􀀁
Adding Form Functions .260􀀁
Terminating OpenGL .....261􀀁
Running the Program ....262􀀁
Adding Some Sparkle...263􀀁
Using Matrix Transformations....... 264􀀁
Setting the Identity Matrix..........264􀀁
Applying Translation Transformations ....265􀀁
Applying Rotation Transformations.........265􀀁
Applying Scaling Transformations ..........266􀀁
Applying Multiple Transformations .........267􀀁
Specifying Vertex Positions........269􀀁
Pushing and Popping the Matrix 269􀀁
Practicing Matrix Transformations with Example Projects ............269􀀁
Drawing Functions ........... 274􀀁
Drawing Points274􀀁
Drawing Lines .274􀀁
Drawing Triangles........275􀀁
Using Texture Mapping .... 277􀀁
Loading Graphics ..........277􀀁
Rendering with Textures............278􀀁
Specifying Texture Coordinates .280􀀁
Cleaning Up.....282􀀁
Using Transparency and Alpha Blending ... 282􀀁
Applying Transparency .282􀀁
Alpha Blending 283􀀁
Alpha Blending with Textures ....284􀀁
Knowing the Available Blending Factors.285􀀁
Understanding Orthographic Coordinate Systems.. 286􀀁
Taking Control of OpenGL  288􀀁
■Chapter 11: Creating 2D Games with OpenGL ............289􀀁
Adding OpenGL to the Game Engine .......... 289􀀁
Understanding the CGameEngineOpenGLBase Class........290􀀁
Understanding the CGameObjectOpenGLBase Class ........292􀀁
Performing the Capabilities Check..........294􀀁
Creating the Game Form ............296􀀁
Using the OpenGL Game Engine ... 298􀀁
Preparing the Balloons Game.....298􀀁
Setting up the Projection Matrix 299􀀁
Rendering the Balloons.301􀀁
Sorting the Balloons.....303􀀁
Playing the Game ..........306􀀁
2D Possibilities with OpenGL ........ 309􀀁
■Chapter 12: The Ins and Outs of the Third Dimension311􀀁
Understanding Perspective Projection....... 311􀀁
Understanding the Viewing Frustum.......311􀀁
Defining the Viewing Frustum in OpenGL ............315􀀁
Understanding the Depth Buffer ... 316􀀁
Enabling the Depth Buffer..........316􀀁
Rendering Transparent Objects with the Depth Buffer .....318􀀁
Rendering 3D Objects ...... 318􀀁
Defining a 3D Object .....318􀀁
Removing Hidden Surfaces........324􀀁
Using Indexed Triangles326􀀁
Lighting Your Projects...... 329􀀁
Introducing the Lights and Materials ......329􀀁
Exploring the Types of Illumination.........329􀀁
Using Material Properties...........332􀀁
Exploring Light and Material Interaction .333􀀁
Using Multiple Lights ....333􀀁
Reusing Lights 334􀀁
Exploring the Types of Light Source .......334􀀁
Calculating Light Reflections in OpenGL .336􀀁
Adding Light to the Game Engine............340􀀁
Calculating Normals Programmatically...347􀀁
Using Normals with Scaled Objects ........351􀀁
Mastering the 3D World ... 352􀀁
■Chapter 13: Further OpenGL Features and Techniques ...........353􀀁
Importing Geometry ......... 353􀀁
Introducing SketchUp...353􀀁
Using the .0bj File Format ..........357􀀁
Importing Geometry into the Game Engine ..........359􀀁
Moving the Camera.......... 364􀀁
Positioning the Camera.364􀀁
Adding Camera Objects to the Game Engine .......365􀀁
Lights, Camera, Action!.370􀀁
Optimizing the Camera Calculation.........371􀀁
Cameras and the Projection Matrix.........374􀀁
Rendering Fog..... 374􀀁
Adding Fog Support to the Game Engine 375􀀁
Using Fog ........375􀀁
Working with Billboards... 377􀀁
Rendering Billboards....377􀀁
Adding Billboard Support to the Game Engine.....379􀀁
Learning More about OpenGL ES .. 381􀀁
Part 4: Distribution ....383􀀁
■Chapter 14: Distributing Your Game.385􀀁
Preparing a Game for Distribution  385􀀁
Settings the Assembly Properties ...........385􀀁
Project Versioning .........387􀀁
Creating an Icon ...........388􀀁
Building Distribution Packages ..... 391􀀁
Switching into Release Mode.....391􀀁
Creating the Setup Project .........392􀀁
Adding the Setup Project’s Files 393􀀁
Creating a Programs Menu Shortcut.......395􀀁
Building the CAB File.....397􀀁
Selling Games ..... 397􀀁
Creating Evaluation Applications ............397􀀁
Upgrading to Full Versions .........398􀀁
Using Windows Marketplace for Mobile .400􀀁
Minimizing Piracy.........401􀀁
Implementing Reverse Engineering ........... 402􀀁
Obfuscating with Dotfuscator Community Edition ............403􀀁
Using Advanced Obfuscation .....405􀀁
Adding Obfuscated Files to CAB Setup Projects ..407􀀁
Releasing New Versions of Your Game...... 407􀀁
Promoting Your Game ...... 409􀀁
Go Create! ........... 410􀀁
■Index ... 411
