

Spring in Action

Spring in Action

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Java EE轻量开发框架。
Action 系列的书籍质量你懂得,英文书籍。

brief contents
PART 1 CORE SPRING ...............................................................1
1 ■ Springing into action 3
2 ■ Basic bean wiring 31
3 ■ Advanced bean wiring 72
4 ■ Advising beans 116
PART 2 ENTERPRISE SPRING................................................. 153
5 ■ Hitting the database 155
6 ■ Managing transactions 220
7 ■ Securing Spring 247
8 ■ Spring and POJO-based remote services 305
9 ■ Building contract-first web services in Spring 343
10 ■ Spring messaging 384
11 ■ Spring and Enterprise JavaBeans 423
12 ■ Accessing enterprise services 441
PART 3 CLIENT-SIDE SPRING..................................................487
13 ■ Handling web requests 489
14 ■ Rendering web views 533
15 ■ Using Spring Web Flow 580
16 ■ Integrating with other web frameworks 623
appendix A Setting up Spring 667
appendix B Testing with (and without) Spring 678
preface xix
preface to the first edition xxii
acknowledgments xxv
about this book xxvii
about the title xxxiii
about the cover illustration xxxiv
PART 1 CORE SPRING................................................ 1
1 Springing into action 3
1.1 What is Spring? 5
Spring modules 6
1.2 A Spring jump start 11
1.3 Understanding dependency injection 14
Injecting dependencies 14 ■ Dependency injection in action 15
Dependency injection in enterprise applications 21
1.4 Applying aspect-oriented programming 24
Introducing AOP 24 ■ AOP in action 26
1.5 Summary 30
2 Basic bean wiring 31
2.1 Containing your beans 33
Introducing the BeanFactory 34 ■ Working with an application
context 35 ■ A bean’s life 37
2.2 Creating beans 40
Declaring a simple bean 40 ■ Injecting through constructors 42
2.3 Injecting into bean properties 46
Injecting simple values 47 ■ Referencing other beans 48
Wiring collections 52 ■ Wiring nothing (null) 58
2.4 Autowiring 58
The four types of autowiring 59 ■ Mixing auto with explicit
wiring 63 ■ To autowire or not to autowire 63
2.5 Controlling bean creation 64
Bean scoping 65 ■ Creating beans from factory methods 66
Initializing and destroying beans 68
2.6 Summary 71
3 Advanced bean wiring 72
3.1 Declaring parent and child beans 73
Abstracting a base bean type 74 ■ Abstracting common
properties 76
3.2 Applying method injection 79
Basic method replacement 80 ■ Using getter injection 83
3.3 Injecting non-Spring beans 85
3.4 Registering custom property editors 88
3.5 Working with Spring’s special beans 92
Postprocessing beans 93 ■ Postprocessing the bean factory 95
Externalizing configuration properties 96 ■ Resolving text
messages 99 ■ Decoupling with application events 101
Making beans aware 103
3.6 Scripting beans 106
Putting the lime in the coconut 107 ■ Scripting a bean 108
Injecting properties of scripted beans 111 ■ Refreshing scripted
beans 112 ■ Writing scripted beans inline 113
3.7 Summary 114
4 Advising beans 116
4.1 Introducing AOP 118
Defining AOP terminology 119 ■ Spring’s AOP support 122
4.2 Creating classic Spring aspects 125
Creating advice 127 ■ Defining pointcuts and advisors 132
Using ProxyFactoryBean 136
4.3 Autoproxying 139
Creating autoproxies for Spring aspects 140 ■ Autoproxying
@AspectJ aspects 141
4.4 Declaring pure-POJO aspects 145
4.5 Injecting AspectJ aspects 149
4.6 Summary 152
PART 2 ENTERPRISE SPRING ................................. 153
5 Hitting the database 155
5.1 Learning Spring’s data access philosophy 157
Getting to know Spring’s data access exception hierarchy 158
Templating data access 161 ■ Using DAO support classes 163
5.2 Configuring a data source 165
Using JNDI data sources 165 ■ Using a pooled data source 167
JDBC driver-based data source 168
5.3 Using JDBC with Spring 170
Tackling runaway JDBC code 170 ■ Working with JDBC
templates 173 ■ Using Spring’s DAO support classes for
JDBC 180
5.4 Integrating Hibernate with Spring 183
Choosing a version of Hibernate 185 ■ Using Hibernate
templates 186 ■ Building Hibernate-backed DAOs 190
Using Hibernate 3 contextual sessions 192
5.5 Spring and the Java Persistence API 194
Using JPA templates 194 ■ Configuring an entity manager
factory 197 ■ Building a JPA-backed DAO 202
5.6 Spring and iBATIS 203
Configuring an iBATIS client template 204 ■ Building
an iBATIS-backed DAO 207
5.7 Caching 208
Configuring a caching solution 210 ■ Proxying beans
for caching 215 ■ Annotation-driven caching 217
5.8 Summary 218
6 Managing transactions 220
6.1 Understanding transactions 222
Explaining transactions in only four words 223
Understanding Spring’s transaction management
support 224
6.2 Choosing a transaction manager 225
JDBC transactions 226 ■ Hibernate transactions 227
Java Persistence API transactions 227 ■ Java Data
Objects transactions 228 ■ Java Transaction API
transactions 229
6.3 Programming transactions in Spring 229
6.4 Declaring transactions 232
Defining transaction attributes 233 ■ Proxying
transactions 238 ■ Declaring transactions in
Spring 2.0 241 ■ Defining annotation-driven
transactions 243
6.5 Summary 245
7 Securing Spring 247
7.1 Introducing Spring Security 248
7.2 Authenticating users 252
Configuring a provider manager 253 ■ Authenticating
against a database 256 ■ Authenticating against
an LDAP repository 264
7.3 Controlling access 271
Voting access decisions 272 ■ Casting an access decision
vote 273 ■ Handling voter abstinence 275
7.4 Securing web applications 275
Proxying Spring Security’s filters 278 ■ Handling the
security context 285 ■ Prompting the user to log
in 286 ■ Handling security exceptions 291 ■ Enforcing
web security 293 ■ Ensuring a secure channel 294
7.5 View-layer security 297
Conditionally rendering content 298 ■ Displaying user
authentication information 299
7.6 Securing method invocations 300
Creating a security aspect 301 ■ Securing methods using
metadata 303
7.7 Summary 304
8 Spring and POJO-based remote services 305
8.1 An overview of Spring remoting 306
8.2 Working with RMI 309
Wiring RMI services 310 ■ Exporting RMI services 312
8.3 Remoting with Hessian and Burlap 316
Accessing Hessian/Burlap services 317 ■ Exposing bean
functionality with Hessian/Burlap 318
8.4 Using Spring’s HttpInvoker 322
Accessing services via HTTP 323 ■ Exposing beans as
HTTP Services 324
8.5 Spring and web services 326
Exporting beans as web services using XFire 326
Declaring web services with JSR-181 annotations 330
Consuming web services 333 ■ Proxying web services with
an XFire client 340
8.6 Summary 341
9 Building contract-first web services in Spring 343
9.1 Introducing Spring-WS 345
9.2 Defining the contract (first!) 347
Creating sample XML messages 348
9.3 Handling messages with service endpoints 353
Building a JDOM-based message endpoint 355 ■ Marshaling
message payloads 358
9.4 Wiring it all together 361
Spring-WS: The big picture 361 ■ Mapping messages to
endpoints 363 ■ Wiring the service endpoint 364
Configuring a message marshaler 364 ■ Handling endpoint
exceptions 367 ■ Serving WSDL files 369 ■ Deploying the
service 373
9.5 Consuming Spring-WS web services 373
Working with web service templates 374 ■ Using web service
gateway support 381
9.6 Summary 382
10 Spring messaging 384
10.1 A brief introduction to JMS 386
Architecting JMS 387 ■ Assessing the benefits of JMS 390
Setting up ActiveMQ in Spring 392
10.2 Using JMS with Spring 393
Tackling runaway JMS code 393 ■ Working with JMS
templates 395 ■ Converting messages 402 ■ Using Spring’s
gateway support classes for JMS 405
10.3 Creating message-driven POJOs 407
Creating a message listener 408 ■ Writing pure-POJO
MDPs 412
10.4 Using message-based RPC 416
Introducing Lingo 417 ■ Exporting the service 418
Proxying JMS 420
10.5 Summary 422
11 Spring and Enterprise JavaBeans 423
11.1 Wiring EJBs in Spring 425
Proxying session beans (EJB 2.x) 426 ■ Wiring EJBs into Spring
beans 430
11.2 Developing Spring-enabled EJBs (EJB 2.x) 431
11.3 Spring and EJB3 434
Introducing Pitchfork 435 ■ Getting started with Pitchfork 436
Injecting resources by annotation 437 ■ Declaring interceptors
using annotations 438
11.4 Summary 440
12 Accessing enterprise services 441
12.1 Wiring objects from JNDI 442
Working with conventional JNDI 443 ■ Injecting JNDI
objects 446 ■ Wiring JNDI objects in Spring 2 449
12.2 Sending email 450
Configuring a mail sender 451 ■ Constructing the email 453
12.3 Scheduling tasks 456
Scheduling with Java’s Timer 457 ■ Using the Quartz
scheduler 460 ■ Invoking methods on a schedule 464
12.4 Managing Spring beans with JMX 466
Exporting Spring beans as MBeans 467 ■ Remoting
MBeans 477 ■ Handling notifications 482
12.5 Summary 485
PART 3 CLIENT-SIDE SPRING.................................. 487
13 Handling web requests 489
13.1 Getting started with Spring MVC 490
A day in the life of a request 491 ■ Configuring
DispatcherServlet 492 ■ Spring MVC in a nutshell 495
13.2 Mapping requests to controllers 502
Using SimpleUrlHandlerMapping 503 ■ Using
ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping 504 ■ Using metadata
to map controllers 505 ■ Working with multiple handler
mappings 505
13.3 Handling requests with controllers 506
Processing commands 509 ■ Processing form submissions 512
Processing complex forms with wizards 520 ■ Working with
throwaway controllers 528
13.4 Handling exceptions 531
13.5 Summary 532
14 Rendering web views 533
14.1 Resolving views 534
Using template views 535 ■ Resolving view beans 537
Choosing a view resolver 540
14.2 Using JSP templates 542
Binding form data 542 ■ Rendering externalized messages 544
Displaying errors 547
14.3 Laying out pages with Tiles 549
Tile views 550 ■ Creating Tile controllers 554
14.4 Working with JSP alternatives 556
Using Velocity templates 557 ■ Working with FreeMarker 564
14.5 Generating non-HTML output 569
Producing Excel spreadsheets 570 ■ Generating PDF
documents 573 ■ Developing custom views 576
14.6 Summary 578
15 Using Spring Web Flow 580
15.1 Getting started with Spring Web Flow 582
Installing Spring Web Flow 584 ■ Spring Web Flow
essentials 589 ■ Creating a flow 591
15.2 Laying the flow groundwork 591
Flow variables 591 ■ Start and end states 593 ■ Gathering
customer information 594 ■ Building a pizza order 601
Completing the order 605 ■ A few finishing touches 608
15.3 Advanced web flow techniques 611
Using decision states 612 ■ Extracting subflows and using
substates 614
15.4 Integrating Spring Web Flow with other frameworks 619
Jakarta Struts 619 ■ JavaServer Faces 620
15.5 Summary 622
16 Integrating with other web frameworks 623
16.1 Using Spring with Struts 624
Registering the Spring plug-in with Struts 626 ■ Writing Springaware
Struts actions 627 ■ Delegating to Spring-configured
actions 629 ■ What about Struts 2? 632
16.2 Working Spring into WebWork 2/Struts 2 633
16.3 Integrating Spring with Tapestry 636
Integrating Spring with Tapestry 3 637 ■ Integrating Spring with
Tapestry 4 641
16.4 Putting a face on Spring with JSF 643
Resolving JSF-managed properties 644 ■ Resolving Spring
beans 646 ■ Using Spring beans in JSF pages 646
Exposing the application context in JSF 648
16.5 Ajax-enabling applications in Spring with DWR 648
Direct web remoting 650 ■ Accessing Spring-managed beans
DWR 659
16.6 Summary 664
appendix A Setting up Spring 667
appendix B Testing with (and without) Spring 678
index 707
web content
web chapter Building portlet applications
appendix C Spring XML configuration reference
appendix D Spring JSP tag library reference
appendix E Spring Web Flow definition reference
appendix F Customizing Spring configuration

